Sunday, April 5, 2009

Booth 402

A friend of mine (Bon Bon Babe) has a booth at Treasure Aisles and allowed me to put my kanzashi flowers there to sell... so while I was there I got Carrot Cake Bon Bons and Peanut Butter Fudge. They are AMAZING! The Fudge was only 10 dollars for a pound! That is very very cheap, you spend like double or triple that at other places! I can't put it down and Justin can't as well! Justin is a very very picky eater, so yeah, lol.

Everything is reasonable prices and soooo yummy ^___^ I am hoping to take my mom there one weekend.

Oh! And she had scented candles too! They smell so nice. I got myself a cinnamon bun scented one. Also got a pair of earrings too that I will take pictures of later.

If you live in Ohio, you must go to Treasure Aisles at 402! Try the sample of glass candy and pralines! Buy foods, jewelry, and candles. If you don't live in Ohio, go to her site to check it out ^___^

So far Justin's mom likes the bon bons a lot as well ^___^ still waiting for my family to try it out.


  1. Sounds yummy :] I love fudge. But the think, hot fudge kind. Now I want to make brownies! lol

  2. I... can't... stop... eating... it *falls over with a big belly*

  3. That sounds so good. ;Now I want fudge!

  4. lol, buy some of Aimee's fudge! It is amazing!

  5. Mmmm. That sounds so appetizing!
